Modulo One - Ten Thousand Meters Of Desert (Assemblage 23 Remix)

130.0 bpm , c


Ten thousand meters of desert
Twenty four seconds of drums
I’m gonna catch the last train
I’m gonna search again
Round and round and round and round
Where do you hide your machines
The patterns are evolving they're tracing the surface
This is the fabric of it all

Five more minutes to the final release
The wires are filling with light
The Builder knows the ordinance
The Builder knows the truth
They’re going into orbit they’re leaving tonight
Their burden has come to a conclusion
In the factory of reason you must make your decision
Will you see what i have seen?

We make the skies go red
We make the cities grow tall
We keep the game ahead
We make you find your way

Ten thousand meters of desert
Twenty four seconds of drums
I’m gonna catch the last train
I’m gonna search again
Round and round and round and round
Where do you hide your machines
The patterns are evolving they're tracing the surface
This is the fabric of it all

We make the skies go red
We make you find your way


Written and performed by Anders Schau Knatten. Remixed by Tom Shear / Assemblage 23.